Food voucher

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Tokyo Street Restaurant

This restaurant introduced the real Japanese street menu. The food is of high quality and is frequently changed to showcase the freshest seasonal produce. They use locally-grown and organic produce, with wholesome ingredients. They also utilize natural handpicked sea salt and homemade oils.
They cook from scratch based on their conviction in organic agriculture and the food industries. Not all restaurants believe in sustainable food procurement; Tokyo Street Restaurant buys high-quality ingredients from local shops and producers. They purchase hormone-free meat. Food discount

Chengdu Restaurant

The restaurant derived its name from the owner’s origin-Chengdu. The concept is to incorporate the Chengdu way of life in Finland. Chengdu is a city in Western China and Sichuan’s provincial capital. The restaurant offers real Sichuan cuisine to everyone who eats there. The bold flavors, especially the spiciness and the pungency emanating from the use of chili peppers and garlic, combined with the taste of Sichuan pepper. Best restaurants

Restaurant China

It was set up in 1973. It is the first Chinese Dumpling Restaurant in Helsinki. It provides authentic Cantonese dishes from Southern China, and it is situated in the heart of the city in Annankatu. Food delivery

The specialties are roasted duck, and different vegetarian seafood and beancurd dishes. The typical Chinese dishes are available on request. These dishes are typical among Asian people living in Northern China. The restaurant provides catering service that includes the delivery of food and drinks, as well as tableware. They also make provision to deliver hot delicacies to your event.

Location:-Aalto Agrid, Otakaari 7, Espoo, Finland
